Saturday, July 2, 2011

Robin Hood and the Coupon Sherpa, Target, and Amazon PriceCheck iPhone apps


It's been an interesting start to the fourth of July weekend.  First I got to watch a movie at home on Blu-ray, which hasn't happened in a long time, and it's rare that I actually have an extended time off and we're stuck at home.  But onto Robin Hood.

Note: If you haven't seen the movie and plan to, skip the next 2 paragraphs.

I was told that Robin Hood wasn't that great of a movie, but sometimes you just have to see for yourself, and as a guy, I'm always interested in watching mindless violence at times just so that I can decompress.  The movie was kind of long, we watched the unrated version which was 2 hours and 35 minutes, some 15 minutes more than the theatrical version.  I didn't mind the storyline too much and there was enough action to keep me occupied.  They didn't throw in any pointless love scenes, so that was cool.  The issue I have with the movie is that I didn't know that this really was supposed to be a prequel to the Robin Hood story, and they didn't say anything until the end.  I was waiting for Russell Crowe to become the famous Robin Hood with his merry men, and it didn't happen until the last 5 minutes of the movie.  Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.  Plus the trailer where King John calls Robin Hood an outlaw was completely misleading because he doesn't say this until the end.

All in all I'm not unhappy that I watched it, and I can say that I've seen my fair share of horrible movies.  I'm actually hoping there will be a sequel so we can actually see Robin Hood as we know him, and I can replace the Kevin Costner / Bryan Adams version with something more action packed.

We also had a chance to go to the mall on Friday, and I got to use two iPhone apps that I downloaded.  I'm pretty skeptical about some of these apps because I don't know if they'll work or not, but kudos to Scott B. over at Z100 and his coupon blog which you can find here:  Scott B. as on Extreme Couponing on TLC recently, and proved that you can be an extreme couponer in the Tri-State area, and yes, even in New York City.  Anyway, one of the apps that I tried was Coupon Sherpa (, and I have to report that the app worked great!  I was on the line in Macy's and we checked the app to see if there were any coupons we could use and we were able to get 15% off each item we purchased.  I just handed the phone to the cashier and she typed in the code!  Needless to say, I will continue to use Coupon Sherpa whenever I go to the store.

Next we went to Target, and I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed with their iPhone app.  I tried their iPad app and it's great because you can see the weekly ads laid out as if you actually had it in your hand.  Unfortunately the iPhone app isn't like that.  When you click on the weekly ad it then makes you select a category and then it lists what's in the ad for that week.  So you kind of have to know what your looking for before you use the app.  I like the iPad app better.

While in Target I was able to use the Amazon PriceCheck app to price check a cordless phone we were thinking of purchasing.  The scanner worked great and showed me how much the cordless phone was listed for on Amazon (which was cheaper).  The only thing is that you have to scan the barcode on the actual product, and not the product plate that's displayed on the store shelf.  I highly recommend this app because if you're not in a hurry to buy, it can definitely save you some money.

So I give Robin Hood a neutral rating, Coupon Sherpa and Amazon PriceCheck a "thumbs up", and the Target app for iPhone a "thumbs down".

Do you agree?  If you do or if you don't, I'd love to hear your feedback.

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