Monday, July 4, 2011

Held hostage by roseola

Derek turned 1 this past Monday, and on Wednesday we took him to get his 1 year shots.  It was a nice cocktail of 3 plus he had to get his blood work done, so he got poked a total of 4 times.  That night he had a fever of 103, and we thought that it was just a reaction to his shots.  We took him back to the doctor on Friday and she checked him out and told us everything was clean, even his blood work, but having a fever for 4 days after taking shots is kind of long.  Well yesterday his fever finally broke and the next thing you know we see a rash all over his body and it's confirmed, he had roseola.  If you don't know what roseola is, you can find out more here:

So over the last 4 days we really haven't been able to do much, we've had to cancel a BBQ that we had planned, and pretty much have been under house arrest.  But as much as it was a definite inconvenience for us, it must have been worse for Derek.  Imagine being in and out of fever for 4 days, only have a rash show up all over your body, which ironically is a good sign.  I just feel for the guy every time I look at him.  And to top things off we started to cut his hair but didn't finish it (will finish that today), so he looks even more disheveled.

But we're thankful to God that he's on the path to recovery, and it's off to Cape May!

Oh and staying home with your child all day is tough, kudos to all the stay-at-home moms out there!


  1. hope he feels better. Enjoy your time at Cape Cod.

  2. Thanks Superman, Derek is definitely feeling better. We're actually in Cape May, not Cape Cod. But I'm sure it's a short ride either way for Superman!
